Abstracts XXV Congress

Wicker A, Matschi W
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
General Hospital of Salzburg, Àustria

Inclusion criteria for non-surgical treatment:

  1. Sonography: max. 5mm dehiscence of the tendon remnants at 20° of plantar flexion angle
  2. Patients - prerequisites: (reliable, enough time available, symptoms)
Plan of treatment:

Phase I (1st to 7th day)

  • 1 week plaster cast in 20° of plantar flexion angle
  • Walking with crutches - non-weight-bearing

Phase II (2nd to end of 6th week)

  • 3 times a week lymph massage
  • 6 weeks of wearing a Vario Stabil Shoe, also during night.
  • 4th week: CPM o isokinetic system (ROM 40° - 30° of plantar flexion angle) - three times a week.
  • Increase of ROM 40° to neutral within 2 weeks.
  • 5th week: Beginning with underwater exercises (gait, flexion-extension exercises of the ankle) -three times a week.
  • Cycling with Vario-Stabil Shoe

Phase III (7th week to 12th week)

  • Isokinetic exercises - plantar flexion in concentric-eccentric mode with daily adjusted progressive resistance.
  • Increase of ROM to 20° dorsal flexion
  • Normal walking with ski poles
  • Intensive aqua-jogger training in deep water
  • Cycling
  • Proprioceptive training (Biodex, ADAM, balance boards, etc.)

Phase IV (12th week to 20th week)

  • Power walking
  • Plyometric training
  • Isokinetic testing
  • Sport specific training
  • Skiing