Undertaken by our staff
About the need for a medical service to the slopes, the example of shoulder dislocations. Congress SITEMSH Andorra 1991 (video soon available, in French)
Pre hospitalary medical care in a mountain resort during summer season. Experience of Pas de la Casa, Andorra. Thèse pour le doctorat d’état en Médecine. (PDF, soon available, in French)
Urgent medical aid in Andorra, SUM activity from September 1994 until August 1995 - (
FRA 6.32 Mb)
isokinetic study on knee flexion / extension misbalance: the relationship with ACL injury in skiing
(CAT 9.97 Kb)
ACL injury: acute clinical diagnostic
(ESP 24.80 Kb)
Severe injuries in a ski resort, statistical aspects
(CAT 10.61 Kb)
Accident Prevention in a Ski Resort, The Example of Grandvalira in Andorra XXVIIIè congrés SITEMSH Delphi 2008
(ENG 1.58 Mb)
Knee Injuries in a ski resort XXVIIIè congrés SITEMSH Delphi 2008
(ENG 416.53 Kb)
Snow Sport Injuries in Children Are There Significant Diferences XXVIIIè congrés SITEMSH Delphi 2008
(ENG 159.09 Kb)
Snow sports Injuries in Andorra, Epidemiology and Management of Severe Injuries XXVIIIè congrés SITEMSH Delphi 2008
(ENG 2.60 Mb)
Accidentes de Esqui y Snowboard en Menores, Particularidades Segun El Nivel de Practica XXIXè congrés SITEMSH Termas de Chillan 2009
(ESP 484.71 Kb)
Revisión rápida de trabajos sobre lesiones de deportes de nieve XXIXè congrés SITEMSH Termas de Chillan 2009
(ESP 255.37 Kb)